Milan, 7th of May, 2020.℘ Our organisation’s legal aid service was recently contacted by a Hungarian young lady from România, Szeklerland (V.B.) living in Italy, who wanted to get a declaration stating that there is no impediment to the marriage with a diplomatic over-authentication (Nulla Osta al Matrimonio) and a certificate of a Romanian driving license. […]
TovábbTîrgu Mureș/Marosvásárhely, Oradea/Nagyvárad, Satu Mare/Szatmárnémeti, 2016-2018 ℘ In 2016 CEMO has initiated strategic litigation cases against the mayor’s office of Tîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, Oradea/Nagyvárad, Satu Mare/Szatmárnémeti as several hundred thousands of Hungarians are being affected in these three localities. The street name plates in these settlements are presently practically monolingual, the names of the streets and squares […]
Tovább2016 – 15th of April 2017℘ We submitted a complaint letter to the National Council for Combating Discrimination Council (NCCD), against the Covasna County Prefecture and against the orthodox priest, EMANOIL GANCIU, who – on December the 1 st 2016 with the occasion of the National day of Romania – held a speech at the […]
Tovább3rd of April, 2017℘ The members of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities met in Cluj Napoca-Kolozsvár with NGOs that submitted shadow reports to the Romanian State Reports. The event, which took place on the 3 rd of April, 2017, was attended by Enikő Szigeti as the representative […]
TovábbTîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 11 June, 2016℘ Our NGO, Civic Engagement Movement (CEMO) submitted a shadow report to the Council of Europe about the application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages by 11th June 2016, to complete the periodic report of the Romanian Government. The shadow report prepared by CEMO focuses on the Hungarian […]
TovábbGeneva, 24-25 November, 2016℘ Enikő Szigeti, the executive director of CEMO, also spoke at the UN’s 9 th Minority Forum, held in Geneva on the 24-25 th November. The theme of the Minority Forum in 2016 was the “The situation on the minorities in time of humanitarian crisis”. In his three minute speech on […]
TovábbTîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 11 October, 2016℘ On 19 th of September 2016, the board of directors of Maros County’s Inspectorate adopted a decision that in mixed kindergartens and schools in Maros county and Marosvásárhely, only the vice-principal should be Hungarian speaker though these positions are occupied through a thorough examination where everyone could apply without restriction. […]
TovábbTîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 2016- December 31, 2017℘ In 2016 our organization initiated several legal procedures, official complaints and data requests against the mayor’s office in Marosvásárhely. The aim of these legal steps is to encourage the use of Hungarian language in the mayor’s office as set in the Law on Public Administration number 215 from 2001. […]
TovábbTîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 21 July, 2015.℘ CEMO has offered to donate bilingual signs to all interested institutes of education. In June 2015, one local secondary school was interested, and our volunteers and activists have placed about one hundred bilingual signs within the premises of the three buildings that belong to the School Alexandru Ioan Cuza. After […]
TovábbTîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 2011- 1st of September 2013℘ The Liviu Rebreanu school has been included in a legal action back in 2010-2011 and the National Council for Combating Discriminaton (NCCD) has declared in its decision that the school’s linguistic landscape was discriminative. After the decision of the NCCD the school did not change the monolingual features, […]