Szováta, October 23 – 31, 2012.℘
The training project implemented by the Civic Engagement Movement was an opportunity for youth leaders and workers, NGO members and volunteers, activists to learn skills and methods, change attitudes in the field of online active participation as well as community organizing and last but not least, to take part in the creation and hosting of social media blogs.
Through the implemented activities the training has aimed to offer participants the necessary and specific technical knowledge in the field of media literacy with a special emphasis on online blogging and community organizing. In parallel to these, attaining expertise and attitudes through modules developed on the theme of active participation has prepared the participants to successfully get involved in the life of their community and to design and implement online advocacy actions as well as campaigns.
The training has been held in Sovata, within the facilities of the Outward Bound International Youth Center (link) in the period of 23-31 October, 2012 and has been financed by the Youth in Action Agency in Romania, Cooperation with the Neighboring Countries of the European Union 3.1
The training course has been attended by 26 participants, young people, NGO representatives, volunteers, university students, youth leaders from various countries: FYR of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Romania. The facilitators team was composed of 2 trainers and 2 expert speakers.
The training program included team-building activities as well as getting to know each other games and continued with modules implemented by using the elements of non-formal learning, the learning by doing techniques, included discussions, small group work all of them also served as learning environment for the participants facilitating participative learning. The methods used during the whole training has offered the opportunity to young people to learn skills and methods as well as change attitudes in the field of online active participation as well as community organizing. The sessions on digital literacy assisted participants in developing visual elements as tools in their efforts in communicating about their activities via the dedicated blog page. This complex process has given also the opportunity to personally reflect on the chosen topics and to see possibilities for change. Beyond the direct impact of the training on the participants it is hoped that there will be indirect beneficiaries through the transfer of know-how from the participants to the other young people members of their own communities this way ensuring the handover of skills and knowledge.
You can find more information on the project’s blog site:
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This text reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”