For Hungarian and German language inscriptions in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca/Klausenburg

Kolozsvár / Cluj / Klausenburg, May 2009.℘

The Civic Engagement Movement (CEMO) and the Internet portal Transindex gathered signatures for supporting its disagreement with certain statements made by the mayor of Kolozsvár Mr. Sorin Apostu.  On May 7, 2009, the mayor of Kolozsvár said that multilingual signs are to be placed on each historic monument of Kolozsvár and that these inscriptions are to be in three languages: Romanian, English and French.  To the question as to why these monuments will not be also made in Hungarian, the mayor said that is “because Hungarian is not an international language.”

The action gathering supporting signatures started at 2PM on Thursday, May 14 and closed at midnight on Wednesday, May 20.  In one week, more than 22,500 supporting signatures were gathered and they were presented to mayor Sorin Apostu on May 21.  The mayor stated that he will review his decision about the inscriptions and that he will notify the Ministry of Cults and Culture about the petition and supporting signatures.  At its turn the Ministry of Cults and Culture stated that there is no specific law about this and that nothing forbids the posting of multilingual inscriptions.


This is how we presented the signatures: video