Marosvásárhely / Târgu Mureș, December 15, 2008.℘
In 2008 the leadership of Marosvásárhely omitted to display a Hungarian “Happy New Year” banner in front of the Mayor’s Office, an important place of the town. Member of CEMO think that in a city where Hungarian and Romanian people form almost equal portion of the total inhabitants, both languages should be present on the lingual landscape of the city.
CEMO has composed the following open letter related to this issue, and addressed it to the Mayor of Marosvásárhely.
The official in charge of the media relations accused our members with vision dysfunction and recommended us a dose of vitamin A, asserting that the Hungarian version banner of the “Happy New Year” is found across the street from the mayor’s office.
Our organization proved the opposite with a photo. As the official in charge of media relations finally admitted, the banner in Hungarian language was put — almost “smuggled”– on the façade of the building across the Mayor’s office during the dark of the night, as the result of our open letter.