Category Archives for Other

Romanian Consulate General in Milan discriminates Hungarians from România

Milan, 7th of May, 2020.℘ Our organisation’s legal aid service was recently contacted by a Hungarian young lady from România, Szeklerland (V.B.) living in Italy, who wanted to get a declaration stating that there is no impediment to the marriage with a diplomatic over-authentication (Nulla Osta al Matrimonio) and a certificate of a Romanian driving license. […]



CEMO-TLI training 2017 (November) Cluj-Kolozsvár, November 18-19, 2017.℘ The Civic Engagement Movement(CEMO), together with the Budapest-based Tom Lantos Institute, organized its fourth training course[…] CEMO-TLI training 2017 (April) Tîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, April 21-23, 2017℘ The Civic Engagement Movement(CEMO), together with the Tom Lantos Institute, held its third training course[…] CEMO-TLI training 2016 (December) Tîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, December […]


Litigation and antidiscrimination cases

Lack of bilingual street names in in Tîrgu-Mureș Marosvásárhely Tîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 2014- 2017℘   The issue of the monolingual and partially bilingual street name was presented in our previous[…] Strategic litigation for bilingual street names Tîrgu Mureș/Marosvásárhely, Oradea/Nagyvárad, Satu Mare/Szatmárnémeti, 2016-2018 ℘ In 2016 CEMO has initiated strategic litigation cases against the mayor’s office of Tîrgu[…] […]


Advocacy causes

Strategic litigation for bilingual street names Tîrgu Mureș/Marosvásárhely, Oradea/Nagyvárad, Satu Mare/Szatmárnémeti, 2016-2018 ℘ In 2016 CEMO has initiated strategic litigation cases against the mayor’s office of Tîrgu[…] Shadow report on the application of the Minority Framework Convention Cluj-Napoca /Kolozsvár, April 3, 2017℘ At the beginning of 2017, the Civic Engagement Movement, together with the NGO called […]


Discriminative linguistic landscape in the school network of Tîrgu-Mureș/Marosvásárhely

Tîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely,2010- 3 October, 2017℘   In TîrguMureș/Marosvásárhely, the school network includes approximately 45 educational institutions most of them function as mixed institutions, having both Hungarian and Romanian speaking classes.However, the internal and external linguistic landscape of most of these institutions are exclusively Romanian;public interest information is presented only in Romanian, names of classrooms and […]


International conference

Cluj-Napoca /Kolozsvár, 19-20 May 2017℘ The executive director of CEMO, Enikő Szigeti, attended in 19-20th May 2017 an international conference organized by the Central and Eastern European Studies department at the University of Glasgow and by the Institute of Political Science at BBTE. The title of the conference was: National Minority Rights and Democratic Political […]


The Mayor’s Office has removed CEMO’s “bilingual school” signs donation

Tîrgu Mureș-Marosvásárhely, 21 July, 2015.℘ CEMO has offered to donate bilingual signs to all interested institutes of education. In June 2015, one local secondary school was interested, and our volunteers and activists have placed about one hundred bilingual signs within the premises of the three buildings that belong to the School Alexandru Ioan Cuza. After […]


Legal aid

CEMO provides free legal aid and occasional legal representation only in the following topics: Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly Violation of the linguistic rights of ethnic minorities Violation of the right to education of school-aged children that belong to ethnic minorities Discrimination by public institutions or organizations offering public services if the discrimination was […]
